Lockdown Newsletter 5: Quizzes and Baking

Never mind 2020 – how much do you remember of 2019?
  1. Why did Piers Morgan cry on Good Morning Britain?
  2. The Queen, at a meeting of Sandringham WI, took part in which TV quiz? 
  3. Jimmy Chipolata joined Nottingham University as its first official what?
  4. Who taught us all how to “spark joy” by folding our knickers more neatly?
  5. Why was the first all-female spacewalk cancelled?
  6. What task did Angela Kelly, the Queen’s dresser, do for the Queen?
  7. Why are the Co-op’s new range of gingerbread figures PC?
  8. Which actress was accused of hypocrisy by flying to join a climate change protest?
  9. What May event did M&S mark with a special lettuce, guacamole, bacon and tomato sandwich?
  10. According to a Radio Times survey, one in five people have pulled a sickie from work to do what? 
  11. What are students banned from doing when guest speakers are welcomed to Oxford University? 
  12. Name the serial killer played by Jodie Comer in hit series Killing Eve?
  13. What did Diane Abbott apologise for doing on a London train?
  14. What is the name of Jeremy Corbyn ’s cat?
  15. Prince Louis’s first word was the Christian name of a national treasure. Who was it?
  16. Zola became an online sensation when a video emerged of her singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Who is Zola?
  17. In September, who finished what he started doing 32 years ago on Radio 4?
  18. In Cornwall, which sporting officials threatened strike because of swearing and verbal abuse in the game?
[Answers are below]

Like many others, lockdown has resulted in more baking being done than ever before. All of it delicious if these photos are anything to go by!


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