Lockdown Newsletter 4: Cocktails and Gardening

Cocktails on Zoom

Lockdown doesn't have to mean losing touch with friends or having a chat over a glass (or two!).

The cocktail group continues to meet every Wednesday at 7:30pm for a chat on Zoom. New members are welcome.

The Gardening What’s App Group

As you would expect, the Gardening What’s App has seen a lot of activity in what is a busy month for gardeners. Photos of favourites are shared as are plants, cuttings and seedlings. Squash, cucumbers, poppies and cosmos are among the many plants grown.

Deb and Susan had a problem when an overnight air frost damaged their acers but that’s what happens in May... fine weather with nasty surprises to vex us from time to time.

Let’s not forget though that May is also a time to sit in and enjoy our gardens too. And if you can drag yourself out of bed at 4am and go in your garden you’ll be serenaded by a Dawn Chorus of birdsong. 


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