Lockdown Newsletter 3: The Book Club and Entertainment Ideas

Book Club 

Our book club of 12 members met regularly until the Covid restrictions in mid- March. We introduced a new idea from September 2019, to read Waterstones Book of the Month. 

The highlights of this experiment were:

When all is said - Griffin 

Once upon a river - Setterfield

My sister the Serial Killer - Braithwaite 

Queenie - Carty-Williams 

The Doll Factory -MacNeal

Lively discussion and cake are usually the order of the day, but WhatsApp comments now have rather cramped our style. So next month, as we tackle Girl, Woman, Other we will meet via Zoom!

Some entertainment ideas if you are running out of things to watch!
1.The Sewing Bee is back and is running for longer this time, same format as before. Easy fun TV for sewers.

Normal People has had lots of reviews mainly very positive, some saying better than the book. About a relationship between teenagers starting when they are at school and continuing to university. 

3. Blood Seasons 1 and 2 with Adrian Dunbar. Drama set in Ireland about a family after the mother dies.

4. State of Happiness
Norwegian drama set around 1970 and the oil industry

5. The Real Marigold Hotel
Another series of ‘older ‘ celebs trying to decide if they would like to retire to India.
6. Series 3 of Killing Eve
Mixed reviews but worth a watch

7. Line of Duty 5 series and Spooks multiple series both on BBC iPlayer

8. Rerun of Peter Kay’s Car Share. Started Friday 15th May

9. National Theatre Productions every Thursday for 7 days


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