January's Book Club: 'The Paying Guests' by Sarah Waters

The Book Club braved January's wintry winds to meet up and discuss Sarah Waters' novel 'The Paying Guests'. Several members had read other books by the author while some were coming to her work for the first time. Opinion was divided as to how enjoyable the book was with several of the group admitting that they didn't finish the novel because they found it just too depressing, not enough happened and/or they couldn't identify with the characters. Others however felt it was one of the best books they had read (inside or outside of the book group!) and felt passionate and concerned for the characters. The discussion widened to consider how insulated and repressed women were in the early twentieth century and how difficult it was for them to break out of the mold that society had fashioned. The novel is set in 1922 - only seven years after the WI had started and some of us felt that Frances might have been happier if only she had joined her local branch! In...